French Internet City Label have been attributed
The most dynamic local authorities for citizen Internet have been awarded the "Internet City Label".
Le Journal du Net
The web eases small business daily business
The Bureaux et Commerces magazine incites SME to use the Internet on a regular basis and puts forwards benefits they can get.
Carrefour breaks new ground by promoting its operations online
Carrefour has opened a mini-site fore the launch of its operation called "The Carrefour Month" ("Le Mois Carrefour").
Having a web site : why and how?
Novadeck Content Management System
Novadeck Content Management System is a Java content management system originally built for an ASP (Application Service Providing, i.e. rented application web service) mode. In addition to CMS traditional functions (publication, updating, multilingualism, multi-users, administration's rights, moderation, content and graphic design separation, etc.), the solution features an innovative descriptive approach in web site's construction, the management on a single platform of a large number of sites with various contents and the ability to generate web sites from a template. It is designed for companies already seizing or wishing to acquire a complex portal web site where content management's aspects are essential.
Main features of the platform
Details of the functionalities
Summary of the features of the Novadeck platform
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Administration rights

The management of every content's object (create, modify, delete) is limited by a very precise administration's rights policy. Each field of an object can have different creation and modification rights (for instance the title of an article can be created by a user having an editor's right, but it can only be modified by users with a moderator's right).

A specific right - owner- secures the fact that only the creator of an instance will be allowed to modify it. Deleting an instance is limited to the modification's rights of the fields of the instance.

Such a system enables a large flexibility and accuracy in content management. The number of administration's rights is not limited on the platform.


Each content's structure can be declined in as many languages as needed. Each site has a default language in which each content's element (for publication) must be instantiated. These primary instances can then be completed in one or more additional language(s).

When the content is retrieved for publication, it is possible to precise the language in which it should be published (for each field of the object). If the field has not been translated in the specified language, content will be published in the primary language.

Content publication

In order to be displayed on a web site, the content instance of an object must be published beforehand in a publication list. Publication lists' role is to distribute the content in the site. For example, instances of a same Article object's type can be posted in two different publication's lists depending on the section (for example Press or References) where it should be published on a web site. The publication lists specify which content must appear on which page.

A single instance can be published on several publication lists (one single content for two different locations on a site). The publication of an instance can be specified for a given time ("publish the article tomorrow at midnight"), and so the de-publication (in order to give an expiration date to non-permanent material). It is also on the publication lists that the moderation process is operated: an instance can be marked as needing the validation of a user with a moderating right to be actually published on the site.

The publication list is also a tool for information sharing between different sites: by defining a list as "exportable", one allows its use from a site different from the one where it has been created and administrated. Thus, a portal web site can easily share its news with another site of its commercial network.

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sales (arobase)
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Science Generation portal (realized with Novadeck CMS) 
Aventis Foundation-Institut de France web site (realized with Novadeck CMS) 
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