French Internet City Label have been attributed
The most dynamic local authorities for citizen Internet have been awarded the "Internet City Label".
Le Journal du Net
The web eases small business daily business
The Bureaux et Commerces magazine incites SME to use the Internet on a regular basis and puts forwards benefits they can get.
Carrefour breaks new ground by promoting its operations online
Carrefour has opened a mini-site fore the launch of its operation called "The Carrefour Month" ("Le Mois Carrefour").
Local web sites: let's be pragmatic!
 White papers 
Local web sites: let's be pragmatic!
The current wave of local web sites answers small businesses' needs for a pragmatic and affordable way to manage their web site
Distributed intranet : an essential tool for knowledge management
Pragmatic tools for knowledge management (in French only)
Static, dynamically published and dynamic: 3 web sites generations
Get to know the differences between static and dynamic web sites!
Having a web site : why and how?
A web site is a cheap marketing and communication tool. But so far, projects? implementation has been heavy for small businesses
EVERYDECK : a large variety of applications for useful dynamic web sites
Some basic principles are necessary to keep in mind if you want your site to attract visitors and to keep them coming back.
 Product information 
Everydeck Multi-sites Matrix Brochure
PDF paper, available for print and download. In French only.
Everydeck Web Sites Factory Brochure
PDF paper, available for print and download.
 Technical documentation 
Novadeck CMS - Technical Overview
Novadeck CMS is made from the ground up for ASP operators to host thousands of dfferent dynamic web sites on a single platform
Flash demo
See our Flash demo to discover Everydeck's potentialities and working. in French only
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